iConnection     Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
Land Portal
Now captcha code is required for login ( if not seen click on refresh - next to the answer text-box )
Solar Power
  Note: Login for District Administration/MSEDCL employee/ Other users  
  SimpleCAPTCHA Example

Answer: *Refresh
Land Portal User Manual for Applicant/Private Land Owner
Land Portal User Manual for District Administration
  Note: For District Administration, user Id is in CAPITAL LETTERS e.g. for Dhule District, User Id is DHULE_DC  

Link For New Applicant/Private Land Owner Registration


Forget Password (Only For Applicant/Private Land Owner )

          For Any System Related issues, if any please write a mail to landportal_support@mahadiscom.in
          For any land portal issue (related to Pvt lands only) helpline nos 02269852200, 02269852525, 02226474211, 02225472131 extn 2561